Reduce Your Credit Card Merchant
Processing Fees By 40% to 50%
Have The Knowledge You Need
You have total confidence you’ve minimized your
credit card merchant processing costs
Maximize Your Profit
Your lower credit card merchant processing
costs translate into additional bottom line profit
A Simple To Use System
The clear and improved processing environment
makes it easy for your business to use with fewer errors
Did You Know:
- You’re most likely paying too much for your credit card merchant processing
- You’re eliminating the increased profit you could and should be realizing
- Your current provider hasn’t told you the whole story
- You’re probably obligated to annual increases over which you have no control
With 25+ years of experience in the credit card processing industry and having worked with over 2,000 clients we know the ins and outs. Our 0% attrition rate versus the 18 – 20% normal attrition rate with other merchant processing companies speaks to our ability and track record to help our clients reduce their costs.
Integrated Partners
Here’s your 3-Step Midwest Payment Processing Success Plan
Send us your monthly merchant statement for evaluation
We complete a maximum 30-minute call with you and outline the savings you can expect
You complete the simple e-sign application and start realizing your savings within 48 hours
Here are some of our Client Stories:
Ben Capodagli, Owner of Cappy’s Wine and Spirits
Midwest Payment Processing analyzed the way my company was processing credit card transactions with my bank processor and was able to clean up and eliminate a significant amount of excess billing.
Victoria J. Nixon, Executive Director of Cincinnati Dental Society
MPP is prompt to work with the client to resolve any issues and their attention to detail and service is one that you would not get from a 800-number. Excellent company!
Mark Krumbein, Greater Cincinnati Criminal/DUI Attorney
I’m more than pleased with the attention to detail that Midwest Payment Processing took when deciding what is best for my firm, the low processing rates/fees associated with the account.
How are we different?
First, we know the credit card merchant processing industry inside and out. Having worked for traditional merchant processing companies for over 10 years, I continued to be surprised at what clients didn’t know about what they were paying for each transaction they processed. At the same time, there was no reason they should; they weren’t “experts” in credit card merchant processing
Many merchant processors “confuse” the issue with clients. How do I know? I was part of that system.
Further, they didn’t know how credit card fees were “broken up”; that is, they had no knowledge of interchange fees, assessment fees, and the markup a processor uses. And, they didn’t understand the various processor pricing models.
Get Your Complimentary Copy Now Of:
“5 Steps You Can Take Today To Reduce Your Credit Card
Merchant Processing Fees 40% to 50%”
This special report by industry expert Nick Voynovich will review the 5 areas in which you’re probably overspending with your credit card processing, the areas about which your existing processor has not told you.
You can arm yourself with the knowledge you need to move those expenses directly to your bottom line.
Get Your Complimentary Copy Now Of:
“5 Steps You Can Take Today To Reduce
Your Credit Card Merchant Processing Fees by 40% to 50%”